A fictional video game company requesting global sales analysis to help with developing the marketing budget for 2017.

Gameco is assuming that sales for the various geographic regions have stayed the same over time



  • Microsoft Excel

  • Microsoft PowerPoint



  • Cleaning Data

  • Grouping & summarizing

  • Conducting a Descriptive Analysis

  • Developing & Visualizing insights

  • Presenting results



  • Data sourced from VGChartz

  • It tracks total number of unit's games sold from 1980 to 2016.

  • VGChartz data collection methodology

  • Project Brief

  • Does not contain financial figures



The purpose of the analysis is to look for the sales by regions to plan the marketing budget for 2017.



Platforms experience high sales for a short period of time before being replaced with a new model. Per example PlayStation and Xbox consoles. The PC is the longest running platform, but only makes up 2.89% of all sales. We can continue to expect this trend with the release of new consoles in the future.

GameCo can also research future consoles that may be more relevant like virtual machines games.

The most popular genres are Action and Shooter games, but shooter games are still the third highest selling genre in 2016. All three genres are the most popular in Europe and North America. Role playing games with 38% followed by Strategy games with 28% are popular in Japan.

Shooter games with 56% are top of sales in North American and it is also the highest sales comparing with other regions.



Sales has been declining over the past 5 years, one of the reason can be the advancement of technology on regards to video games, with the innovation of virtual games, now all the videos are played online.

  • In conclusion we can say all game sales are declining for all regions in the past 3 years. However, North American is the number one on sales with the most sells which falls into two categories: Fighting Games and Shooter games, to bring higher sales numbers for this region, conduct a market research to find out why consumers stop buying games comparing to previous years.



  • Europe and Japan have the same behavior on regards to sales increases, they are determined by Big events = Consumers. Use Budget to increase advertising when Big events happens in 2017 for both regions, Make deals with events sponsors; if not, follow the top 5 genre to  conduct a market research to develop more games and platforms for those genre.



  • Consider to use part of the budget to increase the budget for Other regions. In 2016 the top genre was miscellaneous that means the consumers for that region enjoy a variety of games that does not necessary fall into specific genre, perhaps they go by the most popular game in that moment. A market research is highly suggested here.

Conclusion & Recommendations

Ivonne Aspilcueta 

Data Analyst


Hermosa Beach, CA, United States